Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Final comparison

CPT Final Comparison.

         Throughout this CPT I have learned about three different religions. Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism. All three religions are wonderful in their own right, but now I will draw comparisons between all three.  Christianity and Judaism are extremely prevalent in the western world. Buddhism is also becoming more and more popular but is still mostly viewed as an eastern-Asian religion. Christianity and Judaism technically share the same God as they are both Abrahamic religions. Buddhism on the other hand uses the Buddha as their figure head. The Buddha is not a god though, but instead a person who has achieved enlistment in their lifetime and teaches others these secrets.
Another comparison to make between all three religions is their ultimate goal. All three promise their follows a sort of heaven so to speak. Both Judaism and Christianity share the same basic idea for heaven. A wondrous place where devote followers will end up in their afterlife. Buddhism on the other hand has the concept of nirvana, a state of true enlistment where there is no more suffering or sadness, only happiness.

          One last comparison that can be made is that Buddhism offers no “real” salvation, instead what is promised is true happiness.  Obviously this is a far contrast of what both heaven and Judaism promise because of the fact that their followers look forward to an afterlife full of wondrous joy.

          Overall all three religions are very good reads and contain lots of good information. They can easily help anyone to grow as a better person. 

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